Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Queer As Film.

'Milk' and 'The Naked Civil Servant'/'An Englishman In New York' - some wonderfully acted films exposing the lives of two iconic homosexuals: Harvey Milk and Quentin Crisp. I introduce this subject because 'An Englishman In New York' was on television last night, and the distinction between fictional character and non-fictional person was quite invisible.

1. Harvey Milk: American politician, and the first member of Californian public office to be elected having openly declared his sexuality.
“If a bullet should go through my head let that bullet go through every closet door.”

[L-R: Sean Penn as Harvey Milk; the real Harvey Milk.]

2. Quentin Crisp: English writer and 1970s gay icon.
"Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne."

[L-R: John Hurt as Quentin Crisp; the real Quentin Crisp.]

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