Friday, 1 January 2010


One of my favourite photographers has to be Martin Parr and his horribly normal, nostalgic and slightly surreal perspective on the life we know. Cigarette butts in sand, greasy food made to look brighter than your average sausage, a reminder of things which make us uncomfortable for unknown reasons. I don't know, there's just something familiar yet grotesque in his work. Maybe it's just the allure of high contrast, but I think I've fallen for his photographic trap of exaggerated colours and strange subject matters. This is what some of his images look like, for a slight taste:

The latest Martin Parr exhibition is at The Rocket Gallery in Shoreditch, London, until the 30th January 2010. I'm not entirely sure what it consists of, but it appears to be exhibiting his entire back collection of photography books, plus some nice pictures to go alongside them and an in-depth bibliography of all his work.

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